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Prep News

Prep News

Charlie Porto

Charlie Porto, Editor

My name is Charlie Porto. I am a senior, and this is my second year on newspaper staff. My first year of newspaper was super fun and made me feel a lot more in touch with the community and have a lot better of an idea of what’s going on around school. I really love writing, and stories are one of my favorite things to write. My main draw to newspaper has always been trying to get my messages and news out to the Rockhurst community.

Outside of newspaper, I am on the cross country and tennis teams. In addition, I am involved with the Album Club, and I am a member of National Honor Society. This year, I hope to have successful sports seasons and get more involved with the Rockhurst community. I also hope to further improve my writing abilities and also my abilities to edit and critique others’ writings and, hopefully, be a good source of advice. I’m looking forward to building connections with the newspaper staff and helping spread stories across Rockhurst. Beyond high school, I’m not sure what I would like to pursue in college and later on in a career.

All content by Charlie Porto
Senior class president Colin Komenda talks about the Carmalite Convent in San Andres Itzapa in Guatemala during the Mission Week kickoff assembly on Feb. 23, 2024. The convent is where senior class donations will go to during Mission Week. Many members of the senior class stayed at the convent during their senior service projects in Guatemala, which is why they wanted to support the group.

A Guide to Mission Week

Charlie Porto, Staff Writer
February 27, 2024
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